What Do I Wear?

What to Wear

Worried about what to wear? Don’t! Just pick something comfortable that you can move around in.

You don’t need special clothes, some folk wear jeans and t shirts, others wear smart slacks and frocks, some dress with a vintage vibe, others turn up exactly as they dressed for work that morning, it’s all good!

PumpsWe recommend flat shoes, such as cheap pumps or plimsolls (the kind that are about £3 in Primark, with very little grip to the sole) are fine for starting with, as are leather soled men’s formal shoes.

Something that ties on is most definitely best, Charleston kicks tend to send ballet pumps across the dancefloor! You can add supportive insoles to suit, if required.

Later on you may want to invest in a pair of swing dance shoes but they are far from necessary.

Alternatively, buying a well fitting pair of supportive, comfortable shoes and having suede soles fitted by a cobbler is a great option for custom dance shoes at a reasonable price -Manchester Lindy recommends:

Timpson’s Chorlton, Manchester, M21 9AQ. Most branches of Timpson’s can suede your shoes. This branch usually has suede soles in stock, ask for Rory!

Shoe Doctor – Unit 1.9 Arndale Shopping Centre, Manchester, Lancashire, M24 4EL – 0161 653 8403 – your new suede soles will cost around £25 depending on your shoe size and will take a few days to complete, the soles may need to be ordered.

Read more about shoes for Lindy Hop on our blog, The Lindy Circular.